Saturday, February 26, 2011

be impressed

Are you sitting down? I went to McDonalds today. *GASP *
We (the kids and I) were invited by Grandpa and Grandma for a celebratory lunch. It was Tadderbug's last basketball game of the season and he did AMAZING! So not wanting to disappoint everyone we went. It was fun for the kids to get out of the house and play and spend time with their Grandparents. Everyone ate ...but me. I felt a little bad about not eating. I have never not ate when someone was offering lunch before. In fact I reminded myself of the type of people I hate to eat lunch with! You know the type, they invite you to lunch and then after you order something both amazing and fattening they order a salad....with dressing on the side. UGH! Am I seriously turning into one of those people?! Let's hope not. But I truly did not eat anything there. Two kids enjoyed non-fructose chicken nuggets (once again ...gasp. Although you would know that if you had watched the video!), and the red Rapunzel enjoyed her self a Big Mac... and YES, she can eat the whole thing! It's quite impressive for how little she is.
While we were on the drive home Tadderbug commented..."McDonalds isn't really that good is it." Shout HALLELUJAH (or hella ya!) the kids have finally come around! Eating healthy IS GOOD and good for you. Who da thunk?


  1. I shall call you Bev! Hella ya! Even McyD's is alright once in a blue moon! Enjoy your ice cream!

  2. i flippin love those kids of yours!!! tavry is just amazing for downing a big mac and not caring what it consists of :)
