Monday, January 10, 2011

The BIG idea

So it dawned on me that I will be turning 30 this year! How on earth did this sneek up on me?! I remember when I used to think that 30 was OLD! Well I still think it's old, but there is NO way I am as old as other 30 year olds are! Plus I still have 9 months.... Nine months to make some changes!
Having 4 kids has been the best thing ever! But keeping the extra 10lbs after each kid hasn't. (yes, I do know that 10 x 4 is 40 but somehow 10lbs got lost along the way and I am NOT about to find it)
The reason for my blog is to make me accountable to all the blog readers. I haven't been able to lose the weight because I have always had an excuse like: I plan on having another kid someday, or, I can't let the kids waste food! I must finish their plate. Regardless of the excuse I have never got down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I thought that maybe letting people know my plan would help me not let another year slip by with pants (that used to fit) going unworn, collecting dust in the closet. So here is the plan: Follow ME! Let me know you are out there. Leave comments! It might be frowned upon to beg for my own cheerleaders but I am going to do it anyway!
Some have said that 30lbs is a high number to reach for (Thanks MOM) but it sounded so good for my plan and as the saying goes "If you shoot for the Moon and miss you at least land among the stars". I am not expecting to be a size 0, or even wear a bikini. (remember the 4 kids?! no one wants to see that!) I just want to go into my closet put something on and not be afraid of flying buttons when I bend over or try to sit down!

Now for my plan of attack. I will NOT do trendy diets, exclude bread from my diet, or eat fish. I probably won't even give up ice cream. I will make healthier choices, watch my portions, and exercise more. That means you need to bring MY elliptical back Mother!! I hope you have enjoyed your 3 years with it. Heck, I might even tear off the plastic wrapping from my P90X DVDs I have stored for 4 years!

So it starts TODAY! Well maybe not to day....I had to go to Costco and their hand-dipped ice cream bars are to die for! But TOMORROW... YES! TOMORROW will be the start of a NEW me!


  1. I love your new blog! We're eating better at our house too. My ten year reunion is coming up this May and I've got to get my butt back in shape after 4 kids. I'll check back often. Oh, and you should check out my sisters blog. She has changed the way she (and her family) eats and has seen AMAZING results. Check her out at
    Good luck with your 30by30!! You can do it girl!

  2. The 'eat fish' part makes me laugh. That is so you! But YEA!!!! for no diets!! Too bad more people don't figure that out....
    Wait! You have the P90X dvds??! I've heard good things about them! I want to try them!
    Good luck to you!!
