Friday, January 21, 2011

The workout

Today was good. I worked out and ate better.
The workout.......pushing 3 kids and a car seat around in a shopping cart with bad wheels. Add a HUGE case of diapers and wipes and THAT ,my friends, is a good workout. Plus I parked really far away. Who knew that Costco is the place to be on a Friday afternoon? Everyone must have know it was try it before you buy it day. Which leads me to my portion controlled lunch. Chocolate milk, artichoke dip, pizza, Madras Lentils (so delicious I had to buy it), and a gummy fiber vitamin. Just one bite of each and I felt so satisfied I only ate HALF of my hand dipped ice cream bar of deliciousness! All in all I say it turned out to be a pretty good day.

1 comment:

  1. What the heck are Madras Lentils? Or should I say what the heck is Madras Lentils? I'm thinking you were pretty darn hungry to buy something called Madras Lentils. And I think you should have said "all IN all". Sorry. Maybe you should find a new editor! xoxooxox Did I mention CHANGE THE FONT!?
