Friday, January 14, 2011


Since I handled yesterdays workout so well the kids felt like I needed more of a challenge. So for today's workout they kicked it up a notch. Add one more sick child.... grand total FOUR!
The day was once again filled with step aerobics, weightlifting, and squats......but today's twist was the Grab and Carry.
To do the Grab and Carry correctly you must do at least 4 reps... one for each child of course! For those who are experienced with the G&C you can try the more advanced version. For this you will need at least two kids. One in each arm works great! Double the burn, half the time!
I have learned that when working out, especially doing the G&C, it is more entertaining when you do it with a friend....or in my case a complete stranger going by the title of Nurse. I had already completed one set of reps myself (going into the Dr.'s office) but when trying to start my second set (to get out of the Dr. office) I was challenged with 2 vomiting children. This is when the sweet nurse decided to step in and try the G&C with me. (And just in case you were wondering we both did the more advanced version.) When we reached the car the kids were loaded in and I was left to fend for myself. Which got me thinking......
I have heard that getting back into shape is easier when you have a partner. Someone to workout with, share tips, and help you reach your goal. My goal for tomorrow will be to get my kids feeling well again. My partner for this will be someone who goes by the name of Dad in our house. We feel like this is such an important task we have cleared our day. No Basketball games, Cheer leading, or work! For either of us!
WE are SO committed to this new goal....... WISH US LUCK!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew you could write! And the spelling is nothing to sneeze at! (Pardon the pun) Hope the day went better. When I Skyped Tavry she looked like heck. Poor poor babies. And whoever the new doctor is YOU MUST KEEP HER! Unheard of! Someone actually HELPING! Love to you all. P.S. DON'T YOU DARE GET SICK!
